Doesher Advisors Guide

February 3, 2012

// Can Old Dogs Learn New Tricks?

In starting Doescher Advisors, I knew I would miss the Plante Moran help desk — but little did I realize how much! Almost daily, I have a technology-related hiccup. For example, I was unaware of the war between Apple and Microsoft, and how that might, at some point, have an impact on my own business.

For several years, I excitedly anticipated the purchase of my first Apple; I was just waiting for the perfect time. Finally, that time arrived. Much to my dismay, however, I discovered that Apple�s iCalendar is not compatible with Outlook — and most of my clients and business colleagues have Outlook. I had no choice but to purchase Outlook for Apple. That, of course, created other issues. In the long run, it also made me more proficient with that particular technology.

My latest discovery is that although I thought I understood how my blog and e-newsletter sign-ups worked, I was wrong. Thanks to some directions that weren't completely on the mark, I now realize that many of you who are reading this are signed up for my e-newsletter, but not my blog. If you would like to receive my blog posts via e-mail, please click where indicated below:

Click here to submit your e-mail address.

p.s. See the attached article, which I found to be very interesting. I must not be the only one caught in the war.

Seek. Climb. Lead.


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